Download the vintrica app now

Get the vintrica app now and manage your vignettes conveniently on the go!


The vintrica app makes buying and managing your e-vignettes for European countries easier and more convenient. Whether you are travelling or need a vignette in the future - our app offers you everything you need directly on your smartphone. In the event of an check, you have the QR code directly to hand. 

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Your advantages with the vintrica app


App Screen


✓ 6+ vignette countries in Europe all in one app

✓ Buy and manage e-vignettes easily

✓ Manage multiple vehicles in one place

✓ No need to print out the vignette

✓ Show the QR code securely and conveniently during checks

Always prepared - show the QR code quickly and easily!


In case of a control, you can simply open the app and show the QR code of your valid vignette. This way you are always on the safe side.

How to activate your vignette in the app:

Icons und Text nebeneinander
App herunterladen 1. vintrica App aus dem Google Play Store oder Apple App Store herunterladen.
E-Mail Anmeldung 2. Mit Ihrer registrierten E-Mail Adresse in der vintrica App anmelden.
QR Code anzeigen 3. Vignette als QR-Code direkt in Ihrer App im Menüpunkt „Vignetten“ anzeigen lassen.

Download the vintrica app now and secure your vignette for Europe:

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